
Right here, before you place an order, we’d like to walk you through which shipper we used to ship your fairing package nowadays. Along with the estimated time frame of delivery, please bear in mind it’s not 100% accurate, different addresses vary a lot!

The shipping records below been updated on Feb. 6, 2024

Delivered At least 20+ days. ( the primary shipper at our free shipping offer )

Some Info:

  • To ship these fairings (so-called replicated goods), few shipping methods are left for them… (DHL/FEDEX/TNT/UPS in China say no to these counterfeit fairing packages, the last air transport option is by China Post.
  • It has one big difference compared with China EMS, which is slow transportation at the normal time, and it will be MUCH slower due to COVID-19, according to our fairing shipping records in the last few months, China Post takes more or less 20+ days on the delivery.

Here are some of our shipping records for your info:

Delivered At least 10+ days. ( the alternative shipper if pay extra. it’s operating quite reliably now! )

Some of our shipping records for your info:

How long will your fairing take to delivery?